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Gestalt Therapy Techniques for Exploring Unresolved Trauma

Unresolved trauma can profoundly impact an individual's life, affecting their emotional wellbeing, interpersonal relationships, and overall functioning. Gestalt therapy, with its focus on holistic treatment, self-awareness, and the present moment, can provide valuable tools for exploring and addressing unresolved trauma. Pioneers of Gestalt therapy like Michael Clemmens and James Kepner have contributed significantly to the development and refinement of these tools and techniques. This post provides an in-depth look at some of these techniques and how they are used to address unresolved trauma from a clinical perspective.

Understanding Gestalt Therapy

Gestalt therapy was developed in the mid-20th century by Fritz Perls, Laura Perls, and Paul Goodman. It focuses on the individual's total experience—their thoughts, feelings, and actions, and their relationship to their environment. This therapy approach emphasizes personal responsibility, self-awareness, and the present moment (Perls et al., 1951).

In the context of trauma, Gestalt therapy can help individuals connect with their current experience, understand how their past impacts their present, and identify and address unresolved issues. This is done using a variety of techniques and interventions that facilitate awareness, acceptance, and change (Clemmens, 2007).

Gestalt Techniques for Exploring Unresolved Trauma:

Body Awareness James Kepner, in his book "Body Process: A Gestalt Approach to Working with the Body in Psychotherapy," highlighted the importance of body awareness in Gestalt therapy. According to Kepner, the body often stores traumatic memories and experiences, and by becoming more aware of bodily sensations, individuals can access and address unresolved trauma. Techniques like body scanning, focusing on breath, and non-verbal expression are used to increase body awareness. (Kepner, 2003)

The Empty Chair Technique Michael Clemmens, in his work, "Getting Beyond Sobriety: Clinical Approaches to Long-Term Recovery," outlines the use of the Empty Chair technique. This technique involves the individual visualizing the person (or event) that has caused the trauma sitting in an empty chair. The individual then expresses their feelings and thoughts to the "person" in the chair. This technique can help individuals express unresolved emotions, gain new perspectives, and reach a sense of closure. (Clemmens, 2007)

Experiments Kepner describes experiments as a key component of Gestalt therapy. These are interventions designed to enhance awareness and facilitate change. An experiment could involve exploring an alternate behavior, role-playing a difficult conversation, or practicing a new coping skill. In the context of trauma, experiments can help individuals explore how their trauma impacts their current experience and try out new ways of responding to their emotions. (Kepner, 1987)

Dialogic Engagement Clemmens emphasizes the therapeutic relationship's importance in Gestalt therapy and the role of dialogic engagement—being fully present with and responsive to the client. This can help create a safe space where the individual can explore their trauma without fear of judgment or rejection. (Clemmens, 2007)

Integrating Polarities Kepner describes the process of integrating polarities, a common occurrence in trauma survivors where contradictory beliefs or feelings are held about oneself or others. By acknowledging and reconciling these polarities, individuals can achieve greater self-awareness and self-acceptance. (Kepner, 1995)

Gestalt therapy provides a powerful framework for addressing unresolved trauma. Techniques such as body awareness, the empty chair, experiments, dialogic engagement, and integrating polarities can help individuals gain awareness, express unacknowledged emotions, and facilitate healing. As Clemmens and Kepner's work indicates, the goal of these techniques is not to erase the trauma but to integrate the traumatic experience in a way that it no longer dominates the individual's life.


Reach out today for a free consultation with a therapist in Boulder, CO.


  1. Perls, F., Hefferline, R., & Goodman, P. (1951). Gestalt therapy: Excitement and growth in the human personality. Julian Press.

  2. Clemmens, M. C. (2007). Getting beyond sobriety: Clinical approaches to long-term recovery. Gestalt Press.

  3. Kepner, J. I. (2003). Body process: A Gestalt approach to working with the body in psychotherapy. Gestalt Press.

  4. Kepner, J. I. (1987). Body process: Working with the body in psychotherapy. Gestalt Institute of Cleveland Press.

  5. Kepner, J. I. (1995). Healing tasks: Psychotherapy with adult survivors of childhood abuse. Gestalt Press.

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